It's Curtains, Custom USB Necklace Album

Image of It's Curtains, Custom USB Necklace Album

$12.00 - On Sale

SUMMER SALE! Normally $20, now only $12!

Cross’ debut album, It’s Curtains, is now available on USB stick. The laser engraved, dark walnut USB necklaces include photography by Mekko Harjo, B sides, a secret video, and other gems. Enjoy this unique piece of wearable data, as well as its contents: an album full of warm harmonies and enchanting beats.

Track List
1. The Ladies' Room
2. Frances Scholz
3. Death Rattle
4. Cry
5. Wound
6. Touch, Ft. Ra Saite
7. Get Fussy
8. Name Traveling

9. Cyan Kid- DIABT (Cross Remix)
10. Frances Scholz (Ra Saite Remix)
11. All We Have Is
12. Name Traveling (Paul Giamatti Remix)
13. Songs From the Tree Harp